Thursday, August 25, 2005

Los perros Uruguayas...
I have never seen so many little doggies roaming free as I have here in Uruguay. I'm not much of a dog person, but I think it's amazing how the strays here interact when two or more are together. Example: Two dogs are standing on a curb five feet away from each other. One dog is silently watching the other with his head cocked as if listening; the other is barking perfectly metered "bark-bark-bark-bark"s for a least a minute. All of the dogs look well, and they all seem to have a purpose. When I see them walking by the side of the road during my rides home from work, I have the feeling that they're heading home from "work," too.
It's amazing that I haven't seen a dead one in the road, considering how they like to walk along the road and act as if they feel that cars should get out of the way for them. I felt sorry for a dog who crossed in front of us yesterday because he was keeping his weight off his left rear leg as though he'd been hit. I looked in the mirror after we passed, and he was walking on all fours (a doggie sympathy trick?).


Blogger Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Man-o-man, there were no leash laws when I was a kid, and living in a...ummmmmmmmmm....lower-class neighborhood. People just let their dogs out the front door (well, they just jumped through the front door, there were no screens), and those dogs came home drunk and belligerent and pregnant, at all hours of the night.

(I am two of those things as I write.)

I kid you not, dogs were "known" in my neighborhood. One example--and I have many--my father worked nights, leaving me & sis & mom home alone. We heard banging on the door at midnight one night, the screen door being practically ripped off of the hinges. Terrified, we lined up behind our mother, while she cracked the door just enough to see who was out there...

It was BUCKUS!! Buckus, the neighborhood german shepard, standing on his hind legs, and, hence, looking my mother square in the eyes. She screamed her bloody head off, and we followed suit.

That horny Buckus was after our sweet Samantha, in heat (who had heard of spaying a dog back then?) and chained to the kitchen table, so as to deter her from meeting randy boys in the streets.

You are lucky to have gotten away with your life and your wallet, those sneaky dogs.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Woof said...

That's hilarious! I guess I don't really give dogs too much credit for being smart, but should...

3:25 AM  

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