Thursday, September 22, 2005

Higher standards...

Re: The Kate Moss 'caine scandal (really? A 42-pound supermodel...snorting coke?):

In the latest blow to (Kate) Moss's once glittering career, the British cosmetics group Rimmel earlier joined fashion retailers Burberry and H and M as well as French fashion house Chanel in deciding to review or scrap contracts with her.

I guess someone's lucky that 50% of the voters in this country are of lesser moral character than those in Chanel's public relations department...


Blogger Woof said...

Whoops! Did I say that the voters are of "lesser moral character?" I should correct myself and say that I can't vouch for the morality (or lack thereof) of the Bush-voting folks. I should have said that W.'s morals seem to be at least on par with Kate's, as far as drug use is concerned.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Woof said...

For the sake of job security, Guido, I'm afraid that I can't comment on that...

10:56 AM  

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