Thursday, April 20, 2006

Know your enemy: Random notes from Anne Coulter lovers...

Anne Coulter has a new book titled, Godless: The Church of Liberalism. The following are from a couple of raving loonies posting on the discussion group for the book:

"Yes and in the Democratic party one distinguishes oneself by, killing babies, spitting on soldiers, burning American flags and embracing such fine individuals as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. I'm glad that there are people like yourself J.E. Bishop who fell (sic) obligated at a moments notice not only to judge others of different beliefs but to insult them as well. You could really help yourself if you bothered for a second to learn something about the party you so vehemently oppose instead of watching George Clooney movies and jumping on the bandwagon.

The same person rambles on in another post, after complaining how others had taken his comments out of context (although the above paragraph was an entire post):
"I guess I've got a chip on my shoulder, you would too if every time you went to the movies you had to see some dumb conservative redneck beating up a gay guy or yelling racial slurs, while the wise all-knowing liberal comes to the rescue."

Wow. He's hit the nail right on the head, there. Who isn't tired of seeing a goddamned liberal interfering with a redneck asshole's right to commit hate crimes in a movie theater?

Then there's this guy, who in one sentence says, "...I really dont (sic) think that you can argue that "ungodly" people are "godly" people when you put in gay rights. The Bible is black and white clear on gods (sic) views on gay activites (sic)," then goes on to say that "The brillance of our founding fathers is that they did not make it a law that you had to follow a certain religon (sic) to be a citizen or a member of the United States goverment (sic). They left it up to (sic) people's choice similar to what God does (sic) you have a choice to follow and believe or not." What's missing and implied from the end, I think, is "as long as you follow the beliefs of my religion."

Aside from the obvious, which is that each of these morons would fail 7th grade English comp, does anyone else see a problem here?


Folks, you might start to notice (if that's possible, given my highly irregular posting) that I might start using terms harsher than "raving loony" and "moron" to describe, well--raving loonies and morons. I'm not a math whiz, but through personal discussions and media research I've added 2 and 2 and found this answer: Republican = Conservative = Fundamentalist, when it comes down to a vote. Sure, I believe that there are "fiscal Republicans"; those who think that the current administration will provide legislation that will best keep them (or help them become) wealthy. I also know that there are a large group of people who watch Fox News exclusively, and still believe that our glorious leader led us into Iraq due to her ties to 9/11 and WMD stockpiles. Ballots, however, aren't divided into issues. A vote for the prolonging of tax breaks for the wealthy is a vote to give the "religious" right a stronger foothold into your day-to-day existence. The fundamentalist agenda is the veil that keeps the goals of the RNC shielded from view. The issues are shown to be hard, honest work and the right to die of an undetected cancer, secure in the knowledge that God or George W. hisself is going to make you $$RICH$$ one day vs. free health care. The right to beat up "gays" (for the Bible tells them so) vs. the right of all Americans to be safe from persecution according to their lifestyle or beliefs. The right to use our military for corporate trough-lining vs. the assumption in every service member's mind that the U.S. government would never send them to die for anything less than the safety and security of the people they care about.

A year and a half ago, it was 51-49 THEM. I strongly urge everyone to write their representatives, get involved in local politics--do whatever you can to help take our country back from these backwards, murderous, racist, greedy people.