Thursday, September 28, 2006

Why all non-Republican candidates are doomed to fail on November 7th...

This insight, from some huckleberry who penned this letter to the editor in the September 19th issue of the News-Gazette:

"We love George W. Bush. May I please explain why most Democrats and so many people hate him. We are engaged in a great spiritual battle. We are at war, good versus evil. God against Satan. Christians against the fallen world.

George W. Bush is a born-again Christian. He is a great man of God. He will be remembered in history as one of our greatest presidents.

Unbelievers, people without God, do not understand. They do not have Jesus. They do not have the power of the Holy Spirit. They are void of understanding. Their lost condition and lack of knowledge manifest as hatred toward our great president."

I don't think that this letter, if intended to be satirical and/or to cause people to cringe at such a black and white assessment of either party, is going to work because I'm certain that there are quite a few people out there who believe the above to be true. A member of my family told me before the '04 elections that he couldn't possibly vote for a Democrat (though acknowledging the massive amount of civilian deaths in Iraq) because he "couldn't stand in front of Jesus with a clear conscience for having allowed a gay marriage amendment to pass or to keep abortion legal." This, from a man who knows no gay men or women nor has any relative who's ever opted for (or would ever opt for) an abortion. Try to reason with a person who can stand to see tens of thousands slaughtered but thinks that Jesus is going to send him down the black chute for not physically assaulting two men or women for kissing in public. This seems to be a typical attitude among Christian fundamentalists: Not in my back yard, and by "my back yard" I mean your back yard, your bedroom, your doctor's office, county, state, and nation--and to hell with any non-Christians who might happen to get in the way of our bullets. It's a sad thing to consider that many, many people are too stupid to realize, admit, or care that the goal of their Godly leaders is to turn the nation into a theocracy while feeding stock lines about "Islamo-fascism" as they continue to kiss the hind ends of the ruling class of the wealthiest Middle Eastern theocracy. The hands of one of these "great (men) of God" might be cupped around your ear as they whisper sweet nothings about your heavenly rewards for waging a Christian holy war, but the other will be in your pants, desparately digging for your wallet.

I may be in the minority on this, but I think I'll chose to continue to blindly believe in a loving God. Pardon me for possibly oversimplifying, but how many gay marriages are worth the life of 30,000 Iraqi civilians in God's eyes, do you suppose?


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Woof and all,

Why do religious leaders and followers so often participate in and support blatant evil?

The time is long past to stop focusing on symptoms and myriad details and finally seek lasting solutions. Until we address the core causes of the millennia of struggle and suffering that have bedeviled humanity, these repeating cycles of evil will never end.

History is replete with examples of religious leaders and followers advocating, supporting, and participating in blatant evil. Regardless of attempts to shift or deny blame, history clearly records the widespread crimes of Christianity. Whether we're talking about the abominations of the Inquisition, Crusades, the greed and genocide of colonizers, slavery in the Americas, or the Bush administration's recent deeds and results, Christianity has always spawned great evil. The deeds of many Muslims and the state of Israel are also prime examples.

The paradox of adherents who speak of peace and good deeds contrasted with leaders and willing cohorts knowingly using religion for evil keeps the cycle of violence spinning through time. Why does religion seem to represent good while always serving as a constant source of deception, conflict, and the chosen tool of great deceivers? The answer is simple. The combination of faith and religion is a strong delusion purposely designed to affect one's ability to reason clearly. Regardless of the current pope's duplicitous talk about reason, faith and religion are the opposite of truth, wisdom, and justice and completely incompatible with logic.

Religion, like politics and money, creates a spiritual, conceptual, and karmic endless loop. By their very nature, they always create opponents and losers which leads to a never ending cycle of losers striving to become winners again, ad infinitum. This purposeful logic trap always creates myriad sources of conflict and injustice, regardless of often-stated ideals, which are always diluted by ignorance and delusion. The only way to stop the cycle is to convert or kill off all opponents or to end the systems and concepts that drive it.

Think it through, would the Creator of all knowledge and wisdom insist that you remain ignorant by simply believing what you have been told by obviously duplicitous religious founders and leaders? Would a compassionate Creator want you to participate in a system that guarantees injustice and suffering to your fellow souls? Isn’t it far more likely that religion is a tool of greedy men seeking to profit from the ignorance of followers and the strife it constantly foments? When you mix religion with the equally destructive delusions of money and politics, injustice, chaos, and the profits they generate are guaranteed.


...and here...


9:09 PM  
Blogger Woof said...

Thanks for the comment, seven star hand. I will definitely check out your blogs soon.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Momo said...

Did you see this one posted on the same day?

It offers SOME hope for those of us out there that are Christian and NOT close-minded...

What a great post from you!

8:20 AM  
Blogger Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Bring it home, Woof!

I nominate you for President.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Woof said...

Thanks, Bee-Bee! Thanks, GnightGirl! Was "huckleberry" too heavy-handed? I try to be as gentle as a little baby lamb with my posts, you know...

2:03 PM  

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