Monday, March 12, 2007

So, you've been diagnosed with ADHD? Why'n'cha do something useful with it?

What was it I was gonna write about? Oh, yeah. This is an interesting article, but not nearly as interesting as it could've been had the writer ventured any guesses as to the reasons behind the threefold increase in the use of ADHD-related drugs since 1993.

Why is this a typical (hypothetical) statement from the parent of an ADHD kid, according to me:
"Little Billy divides his after-school time between World of Warcraft, Halo2, and Ghost Recon, then hits the internet for MySpace and IM updates until it's really too late for him to dig too deeply into his homework. Between my career, my Aerobi-Jazzer-Yoga-size classes, and my Botox treatments, I'm finding it difficult to provide the parenting that a special child like Billy requires."

...and not this?:
"Little Billy came home from school, took out the trash, changed the oil in both cars, did the previous night's dishes, mowed the lawn, painted the house, completed his homework, and still had time to call his friends before going to bed, completely exhausted."

Why does it seem that ADHD is normally used as an excuse for not getting something necessary done, instead of an explanation for why one has no leisure time? I'll make a prediction that when someone discovers the cure for cancer, he or she won't make a statement like, "Yeah! I painted the entire exterior of the house in two freakin' hours, spent another coupla hours volunteering at the local animal shelter, spent some time categorizing sale items at Goodwill, then discovered the cure for freakin' cancer!"

Parenting in a pill; how wonderful. I probably would've been diagnosed with ADHD when I was growing up had its discovery not mysteriously coincided with the introduction of more advanced video games and widespread availability of the internet, neither of which existed during my childhood years. The only distractions that I had growing up were a set of encyclopedias, a globe, an 8-track player, and a room decorated in the style of circa-1776 America, complete with cork ball musket. Well, that, and the knowledge that I would be well-disciplined by my parents or other authority figures if I did not do what I was supposed to do.

I'm not a doctor, and can't say that there aren't people with a genuine need for ADHD treatment. I don't mean to poke fun at anyone with a legitimate ADHD diagnosis. For all I know, full-blown ADHD could be a serious, debilitating affliction. I'm just proposing that the ADHD diagnosis (and who, really -by NIMH guidelines- couldn't be diagnosed with ADHD?) and treatment should not be used as an excuse for lack of parental interest or other poor parenting skills.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Should we be offering potential University of Illinois athletes a four-year plea deal (two years in state lockup/two years of probation) instead of a four-year scholarship?

Seriously. Are any of my tax dollars going to these scholarships, or does it all come from the I Fund? If taxes are funding the scholarships for these jokers, why do I also have to help pay to squeeze them through the legal system (law enforcement, court costs, corrections, etc.)?